Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Sweater Weather Forever!

We have all seen it on SNL by now, "Sweata Weatha"

Our favorite season, as fiber artists, is finally here! Time to get our woolens out and ready for wear! Also, time for some new WIP's! The first day of fall was this past Saturday and the weather couldn't have been more perfect, cool and windy. I had my pumpkin candles lit, tea in my cup, and WIP's moving fast on my needles. I am currently making my family a big chevron afghan, and I couldn't be more excited to finish it! All summer long I was working on projects that I wouldn't yet get to use when completed. It is almost like finishing a project all over again, when you finally get to wear it! 

This weekend I will start getting out all of hand knits and getting them cleaned up and ready to wear. Eucalan, Knitters Blocks and Gleener will be working hard to prep my stuff for winter. I do this at the end of the season too (I'm terrified of moths). 


I first start by washing the hand knit and soaking them a bit in Eucalan (lavender is my personal favorite, and it is a moth deterrent). I will lay them out to block, and when they are dry I will go over them with my Gleener to remove the fuzz and pills. I love the way yarn blooms after it is blocked, so squishy and soft! It really brings the knit back to life! 

How do you go about carrying for your hand knits? Let us know in the comments! 
Happy knitting!