Tuesday, October 4, 2016

That Darn Heel!


   Ask any novice sock knitter and they’ll tell you that turning the heel and picking up stitches for the gusset can paralyze even the most adventurous among us.  It’s one of the top reasons knitters think that sock knitting is an advanced project.  Fret not, fiber friends, November’s snuggly sleeping sock class is designed with you in mind.  After this class, you’ll see that any advanced beginner can knit a simple sock. Everyone at Yarns By Design wants each of you to have that Eureka! moment when you turn your first heel and see your gusset stitches just waiting for you to gather them up and conquer the heel once and for all.  If you can count, you can turn a heel.  It really can be that simple.  

   Here’s a quick sneak peek of what you’ll learn:

  • Half of the stitches of the sock leg will form the heel flap in nearly every basic sock pattern. (Of course a knitter can customize the flap to fit an unusually narrow or wide foot.)
  • The total number of gusset stitches picked up (on both sides of the heel) is the same number of stitches on your heel flap.
  • Picking up an additional stitch or two at the top of the heel flap when you pick up your gusset stitches will help avoid the dreaded hole at the top of the gusset.
  • Turning a simple heel is no more complicated that knitting a few short rows.
  • Vanessa's super-simple trick for knowing WHICH stitches must be picked up to conquer the gusset and more!

   So come join us on November 10th and see how easy sock knitting can be!  You’ll never fear that darn heel again.

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